______________ | One of the bases for the establishment of JAMTANI is the concern over the condition where farmers are always the object of agricultural development, farmers are always in a weak position with various economic, political, social, cultural and even global pressures. On the other hand, the existing challenges encourage farmers to have more capacity in various farming skills. In addition, farmers need to appear to fight to uphold the rights, dignity and dignity of farmers to solve their problems. Farmers believe that success is in the hands of farmers while other parties are only as encouragers, as facilitators and as supporters. In its development, JAMTANI is strongly influenced by the IPPHTI organization (established in 1999) as the guardian of the SLPHT program which was born through Presidential Instruction No. 3/1983 under the Ministry of Bappenas and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia. This concept (SLPHT) is a form of government concern for agricultural issues through an approach that empowers farmers and the movement in an effort to preserve the ecosystem towards sustainable agriculture. The concept is known as the 5 Basic Principles of IPM. IPM principles are not emphasized on how to eradicate, kill and destroy pests, but further than that, namely giving birth to smart farmers / expert farmers who are able to take action according to local conditions through critical education, promotion of farmer empowerment as a farmer actor in the fields, Learning from Experience as the best teacher with learning by doing and learning cycle as a guideline, implementing ecological agriculture that maximizes local natural resources not just external inputs. JAMTANI membership prioritizes farmer groups, especially farmer actors, both men and women who cultivate various crop commodities including pond farmers. However, in accordance with the character of the region and the existence of farmers, the majority of members are focused on rice / paddy farmers as the most vulnerable farmer group. In the long term it is possible that membership can be spread throughout the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition it is also very open membership for non-farmers to become members of the Farmer Care Council as Supervisors and advisors to the organization. The decision-making process is strongly influenced by the experience of implementing Farmer Field Schools. The concept of Adult Education (Andragogy) is a learning method approach that is very relevant to the conditions of farmers. Decisions are made in a participatory manner based on observation, which is an important point in the principle of Field School, not decisions based on one's opinions and perceptions. The implementation of this Field School begins with Agroecosystem Analysis which familiarizes farmers to always make decisions based on data and facts which are then analyzed. This is very coloring in the process and the formation and development of JAMTANI organizational character. As a community organization, JAMTANI is very familiar and experienced with activities such as: Conducting training and developing farmer science as the basis of education through practical analysis patterns, Organic Farming Field Schools, Climate Field Schools, Farmer learning in conducting environmentally friendly cultivation, Sharing experiences with NGO partners, Government extension workers etc. Formulating new ideas, developing water-saving cultivation (SRI), intercropping that can increase income up to 30%, learning soil ecology with practical methods easily understood by farmers, maximizing local and cheap materials, building cooperatives and increasing added value (product marketing). | _____________ |